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bild"Metamorfos“ („Metamorphose“) ist die zweite Single aus „Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp“, dem kommenden Album von Häxkapell, das am 17. Januar 2025 erscheinen soll.

Häxkapell commented:

A metamorphosis, a transformation. To die. The grandeur of the liminal.

Coldness. Life turns towards the icy chill of death. Flesh and blood become stone and soil. The frantic pace and shifting time signatures accentuate the wild and rabid struggle within death’s jaws. The sword of the endtimes burrows deeper into the chest, and blood flows across the altar. Death is here; the acceptance of the irreversible sets in.

Cosmos opens its gates, and in stepping into the void, one catches a glimpse of eternity’s truth. The epic midsection, with its proud proclamation into the void, rolling waves of harmonic insight, and euphoric guitar solo, symbolises the realisation of one’s immortality; by embracing death’s darkness, the hidden words are freed once more.

But the price must be paid. The time has come. Life is over. I am a slave to death.

Into the shadows. Down into the darkness.
