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bildDie schwedischen Death-Metal-Band DISRUPTED hat einen weiteren intensiven Vorgeschmack auf ihr mit Spannung erwartetes neues Album mit dem Titel „Stinking Death“ geliefert, das am 24. Januar über Trust No One Recordings erscheinen wird. Nach der Veröffentlichung der ersten Single „Coffin Breath“ legt die Band jetzt mit einem brandneuen Video zum Eröffnungstrack des Albums „Choke On The Cross“ nach.

Schaut euch das Video hier an:

Speaking about the track, guitarist Tomas Liljekvist reveals: "Some years ago, maybe 7-8 years, my friend Jonas Renkse (Katatonia, Bloodbath) played me a short tune he made just for fun, and it had a great riff that I was instantly hooked on. Then when I started writing songs for the new Disrupted album I came to think of that particular riff and how it would be great to build a song around it. So I asked Jonas if it was ok to take that riff and turn it into a song that would be part of our new album and he said it was totally fine. Once again I turned to my garage one night with only that riff to start with and a couple of hours later the whole song was written."

01. Choke on The Cross
02. Coffin Breath
03. True Death
04. A Grave Ablaze
05. Vile Impalement
06. Necromantic Breeding
07. Funeral Vomit
08. Deflesh The Dead
09. Spew
10. Graveyard Torment