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WOLFBRIGADE: Neues Album "Life Knife Death" kommt am 13.09.2024; Single "Life Knife Death" online - vom 02.09.2024, 16:03

Kategorie: Musik

wolfbrigadeDie Schwedische Hardcore Punk Legende WOLFBRIGADE wird ihr 13. Album "Life Knife Death" am 13.09.2024 via Metal Blade Records veröffentlichen.
Den Titeltrack "Life Knife Death" könnt ihr euch nun unten reinziehen.

» On their crushing Life Knife Death, thirty years of skill are honed to a fine edge and dispatched with greater style and intensity than ever before. Most immediately, there's the sheer velocity and barely controlled rage pumping through dynamic d-beaten blood-shakers like "Ways To Die" and "Your God Is A Corpse," the furious attack assisted to heart-fluttering greatness by a newly loosened sense of raucous spontaneity. "We didn't really rehearse any of the songs on this album," the band reveals. "We tend to overwork and overanalyze everything that we do, and sometimes we get lost in that process. This time we wanted to go rough, to capture the raw essence of the song when it's just out of the womb. All the blood and gore."«

Track Listing:
01. Ways to Die
02. Disarm or Be Destroyed
03. Life Knife Death
04. A Day in the Life of an Arse
05. Unruled and Unnamed
06. Skinchanger
07. Your God Is a Corpse
08. Nail Bomb
09. Cyanide Messiah
10. Mayhem Mongrel
11. Sea of Rust
12. Age of Skull Fuckery

Vorbestellen könnt ihr natürlich auch unter www.metalblade.com/wolfbrigade/

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