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Gitarristin Sara verlässt Konvent - vom 29.08.2024, 12:27

Kategorie: Musik

bildDie Gitarristin Sara, Member der ersten Stunde von Konvent, wird leider die Band verlassen. Hier die News der Band dazu:

All good things eventually come to an end, so we’re very sad to announce that our guitarist Sara will be leaving Konvent.
It hasn’t been an easy decision for Sara to make but she wishes to direct all focus on her family.
Sara has been a huge part of Konvent from day one, making our sound, being the mom of the band, the snack-champion and our tetris-master who could solve any gear problem when loading the tour bus.
We will all miss her greatly, although we fully support her choice and we’re parting as the closest of friends.

Our last concert together will be Generation Metal: KONVENT på Gimle on November 3rd!
This is the end of one era but not the end of Konvent. Stay tuned for more to come…

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