BLOODPHEMY veröffentlichen ihr fünftes Studioalbum „Dawn of Malevolence“
- vom 08.10.2023, 12:01Kategorie: Musik
Die niederländische Death-Metal-Band BLOODPHEMY wird am 17. November 2023 ihr fünftes Studioalbum „Dawn of Malevolence“ über Non Serviam Records veröffentlichen.
Diese Niederländer lassen sich von Florida, Schweden und ihrem Erbe inspirieren und zeichnen sich durch aggressiven Death Metal aus, der moderne und klassische Stile mit schwerer Atmosphäre mischt. Macht euch bereit für gewaltige, tiefe, dröhnende Vocals, schwere, langsame Klagelieder und rasantes, psychotisches Gemetzel, das euch den Kopf verdrehen wird. Die Band erzählt sowohl in ihren Texten als auch in ihren Live-Shows dunkle, psychotische Geschichten. Erwartet krachenden, grollenden und sehr düsteren Death Metal!
Checkt die erste Single “From Suffering to Violence”
“Dawn of Malevolence” is a concept album as the band explains: “A dark and twisted story of a young boy whose only memory is of the horrible Asylum he grew up in; among the insane, the violent and a sadistic staff. Through years of suffering and torture he finally is able to feign normalcy and is eventually released into a world he doesn’t know or understand.
This threatening world triggers flashbacks of anger and violence from his earliest youth as he finally grasps a glimpse of the past that always seemed just out of reach.
Overwhelmed by these experiences he spirals down further into madness, killing people around him and ending up in the same horrible place where we was locked all that time. This time, armed with a new found lust for blood he swears to kill everyone there who has wronged him and set out on a journey of revenge”.
On the first single “From Suffering to Violence” the band states: “All the blood, violence, and suffering cause a further return of memories of his parents and the horrible things he had to endure from them. Armed with his new sense of purpose he sets out into the world, swearing revenge and those that have wronged him”.
“Dawn of Malevolence” will be available as cassette, digipak CD, limited green vinyl and digital.