Serpents Oath veröffentlichen die erste Single „Blood Covenant“
- vom 04.10.2023, 20:27Kategorie: Musik
Während Black-Metal-Fans auf der ganzen Welt hungrig auf Revelation, das dritte Album der belgischen Band Serpents Oath warten, hat die Band mit einer bösartigen neuen Single aus dem Album das Feuer eröffnet – „Blood Covenant“! Die ungezügelte Wut und rituelle Dunkelheit von „Blood Covenant“ könnt ihr in dem neuen Video erleben.
Speaking about 'Blood Covenant' the band said:
"When picking singles, we always try to give a diverse selection, so the listener gets a good taste of what to expect from the album. With this first single, that is even more true, as it entails the different aspects of the album within one song. The step up in quality on this album will be clear from the first listen.
Regarding the thematic of the song and its accompanying video, the band continued:
“During the ritual of ancient covenant making, the two parties involved would divide an animal in half, and stand together in the blood, with their right hands clasp, and swear a mutual oath binding them to each other. In some cases, each party would cut their respective hands, bind them together with the other party, allowing their blood to mingle. The resulting union of this blood oath was never to be broken. In effect, the two participants in the covenant would become 'blood brothers' and thus become one flesh. Visually we have tried to translate this bond, that is present within the band, with fitting and striking images. Be prepared to swear the Oath of Fealty!”