Als zweite Anspielung auf das kommende Album „White Hart!“ präsentieren Irlands SLIDHR „What The Gauntlet Bestows“. Diese perfekt umgesetzte Neukomposition überzeugt mit vollem Black-Metal-Fanatismus und sorgfältig verwobenen Passagen unheilvoller Ruhe.
White Hart wird am 13. Oktober auf CD, Vinyl und digital über Debemur Morti Productions veröffentlicht.
Composer J. Deegan notes:
"Given that the first single and title track is probably the most musically direct and aggressive track on the album, it is easy to see why this one sounds a lot more diverse. The core is still somewhat brutal and straightforward but branching out to avoid fatigue. Some bands can do brutality from beginning to end but that is not really our thing. As with almost all SLIDHR tracks, this one began with me figuring out stuff on guitar. It's my main and my favorite instrument to write on. When I compose a song, I try to let it develop as I write but also not overthink. The last section of this one was a result of my fondness for stuff like BATHORY and ISENGARD. Heavy, catchy folkish vibes. We have visited this before but there's always room for more of this stuff. Lyrically, this one deals with those who are too weak to stand for what they believe in and are content to live a life of servitude to tyranny. Weaklings who are happy to do as they are commanded for fear of the master's whip. Perhaps for some the years of punishment will result in a breaking point."