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BERZERKER LEGION veröffentlichen neues LYRIC VIDEO !

- vom 21.09.2023, 16:43
Kategorie: Musik

bildDie internationale Death Metal Truppe von BERZERKER LEGION hat den ersten neuen Song "Choirs Of Anguish" vom kommenden Album "Chaos Will Reign" als Lyeric-Video veröffentlicht. Das neue Album erscheint am 27.Oktober über LISTENABLE RECORDS.

Checkt gleich mal den neuen Song!

Alwin Zuur (guitars/songwriter) comments: « During the recent years Tomas and I met each other at shows and festivals regularly. Much of our conversations were about music and styles. During these meetings we found out that we really had a lot of common musical interests .

Music wise our debut album ‘Obliterate the Weak’ displays the perfect balance between brutality, melody and harmony. Being a fan of the early 90’s Swedish Gothenburg style, with bands like At The Gates, Eucharist, A Canorous Quintet, as well as being a die-hard fan of brutal old school death metal style with bands like Bolt Thrower, Obituary, I have always wanted to write songs showing a mix of such different death metal genres.

With our new album “Chaos Will Reign” we have further developed ourselves in our typical musical mix of melody and brutality. “Chaos Will Reign” sounds more professional, complete, massive and powerful thanks to Jonas Kjellgren’s production. It has become the logical successor, a huge step forward compared to our debut album “Obliterate the Weak”.

Saying the album songs transpire massively produced invigorating heavy death metal is an understatement.

BERZERKER LEGION knock out with warlike triumphant, powerfully addictive harmonies that will turn them into an unstoppable beast in a live situation and on record.

BERZERKER LEGION : 'Chaos Will Reign' tracklisting
1 Chaos Will Reign 05:54
2 Choirs Of Anguish 04:44
3 Nihilism Over Empathy 03:54
4 Towards Oblivion 04:34
5 This Is The End 04:58
6 Damnation 03:37
7 Eternal Void 06:00
8 Worship All That Is dead 03:32
9 Shepherds Of War 03:4110 From The Darkness Inside 05:00 *
11 War Chant 04:47
* CD exclusive bonus track