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SCHIZOPHRENIA haben neue Single & Video veröffentlicht

- vom 28.11.2022, 11:52
Kategorie: Musik

 Nach ihrem viel beachteten Debütalbum Recollections Of The Insane (Februar 2022) haben die belgischen Deaththrasher SCHIZOPHRENIA die Veröffentlichung einer ganz besonderen Tribute-EP angekündigt! Chants Of The Abyss erscheint am 10. Februar 2023 und enthält sechs glühende Coversongs – von Slayer, Judas Priest, Mistfits bis Exodus, GBH und Morbid Angel – in SCHIZOPHRENIA-Manier.

“Playing covers has always been deeply rooted in Schizophrenia. Since the start of the band, we have always included one in our live set list to the point where we felt, time passing, that our adaptations were becoming more and more personal and original. At first, we wanted to include one in our full length, but it didn’t feel exactly right. That’s when slowly the idea of recording “Chants of the Abyss”, an entire cover EP, came about. Separating all originals and all covers.” The band states.

“However, doing covers yes, but simply copying them no. We wanted to emulate the feeling we had with those covers we did live. They had to feel personal and Schizophrenia in a way. There was no point in doing it if they couldn’t feel like our own also. It is exactly that way that we approach the whole EP and which we hope comes out from the recording. Have you ever heard a typical Morbid Angel like beatdown on a Judas Priest song? You might just now!”

Das neue Video von SCHIZOPHRENIA’s Coverversion von MORBID ANGEL’s "Maze Of Torment" könnt ihr euch HIER ansehen.

“The other important reason we decided to do an entire cover EP was to pay homage to the heritage and history of extreme metal. We wanted to shine light on the bands and songs that made history and created thrash metal. This is why we included songs from death and thrash metal pioneers like Slayer, Morbid Angel and Exodus, but it is also why we decided to record two punk songs from Misfits and GBH as well as a NWOBHM song, Judas Priest. Punk, hardcore punk and Heavy Metal are the essence of the music we play now.

We hope you will like the concept as a small treat we did to ourselves, as music fans above all, but also a small treat we did to the schizo fans! Dive into the different Chants from the Abyss of metal history!”

Chants Of The Abyss track listing:

1. Necrophiliac (Slayer cover)
2. Maze Of Torment (Morbid Angel cover)
3. Metal Meltdown (Judas Priest cover)
4. Bullet (Misfits cover)
5. Strike Of The Beast (Exodus cover)
6. Race Against Time (GBH cover)