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SLEGEST zeigen Details und ersten Track von “Avstand”

- vom 25.11.2022, 13:37
Kategorie: Musik

 Das neue Album von SLEGEST wurde schon angekündigt, “Avstand” erscheint am 20.01.2023 via Dark Essence Records.

Als ersten Einblick in das neue Werk gibt es jetzt die Single “Innsikt” inklusive Video zum antesten.



"Inspired by Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy, “Avstand”, the band’s fourth full-length album, is unmistakably SLEGEST doing what SLEGEST does best, but this time they have upped the tempo a bit, giving a freshness and originality to their hard-hitting heavy metal sound which is imbued with Black Metal and classic 70’s and 80’s heavy rock."

With artwork by Tom Korsvold, “Avstand” was mixed by Herbrand Larsen at the Conclave & Earshot Studio and mastered by Iver Sandøy at the Duper/Solslottet Studio, both in Bergen. Tracklisting is as follows:

1. Innsikt
2. Evigheit på Evigheit
3. Forløysning og Rus
4. Vinterkristus
5. Gåte
6. Er det deg Livet?
7. Til det Største som Finst
8. Oh Baby (Status Quo cover)

“Avstand” will be available in CD, Vinyl and Digital formats and is now available to pre-order.