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WITCHMASTER zeigen Video zum Albumtitelsong "Kaźń"

- vom 05.10.2022, 09:14
Kategorie: Musik

 Die polnischen Blackthrasher WITCHMASTER zeigen jetzt den Titelsong vom kommenden "Kaźń" Album in Form eines Videos. Das dazugehörige Album erscheint am 25.11.2022 bei Agonia Records.


Die unzensierte Version des Video gibt es hier: https://kazn.org/

WITCHMASTER bestehen aus Reyash (Azarath (live), ex-Vader, Supremer Lord), Kali (Five the Hierophant, ex-Profanum), Inferno (Azarath, Behemoth) und Bastis (ex-Profanum).

"Kaźń" was recorded at Satanic Audio (Blaze of Perdition, Behemoth) by Haldor Grunberg and mixed and mastered at the same studio by Haldor Grunberg and Inferno. Cover artwork by Durda.

1. Sound of Crushed Skull / Intro
2. War Metal Haiku
3. Alle Gegen Alle
4. Poison Chalice
5. Zdychaj K**** Nazareńska
6. All-consuming Hate
7. Circle of Bayonets
8. Hostile Declaration
9. Master Knife Sacrifice
10. Like Flies on Scum
11. Rune of Destruction
12. White Madness
13. Trails of Blood
14. Kaźń

- Digipak CD
- Black LP
- Picturedisc + patch
- Smoked LP
- Red LP (Bandcamp exclusive)
- Tape
- Digital

Reyash - bass, vocals
Kali - guitars, vocals
Inferno - drums, guitars
Bastis - vocals