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 Vor etwa einem Jahr haben die aus Portland (Oregon) stammenden VINTERSEA ihr aktuelles Album “Illuminated” veröffentlicht.
Das Dead Rhetoric Magazin nannte die Mischung aus Progressive Metal, Blackened Death und Post Metal “a wondrous, challenging record that will reward listeners who are seeking something more.”

Am 16.Oktober wird nun das Debütalbum der Band neu aufgelegt, “The Gravity of Fall” erscheint als limitierte Doppel LP und wird auch die Debüt EP “Constellations” enthalten.
Die Cd Version der Neuauflage wird das “Constellations” Material als downloadbare Bonustracks erhalten.
Pre-order beider Versionen: smarturl.com/vinterseagravity

Gitarrist Riley Nix kommentiert: "Ever since the original independent release of ‘The Gravity of Fall’ more than three years ago, our fans around the world have been clamoring for a vinyl release. Our wonderful partnership with M-Theory Audio has now made that possible. When we entered the recording studio for the first time as a band, we couldn't have imagined that a few years later, we would be releasing that material – for the second time – in such a beautiful and complete package. As always, we want to acknowledge that this is only happening because of our incredible fans who loudly and publicly demand our music in every format imaginable! Thank you all."

For more information, visit www.facebook.com/vintersea.