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SLAUGHTERDAY hauen ersten Song raus.

- vom 28.08.2020, 14:57
Kategorie: Musik

 Die deutschen Death Metaller SLAUGHTERDAY hauen uns heute den ersten neuen Song „EXPULSED FROM DECAY“ vom demnächst erscheinenden Album „Ancient Death Triumph“ um die Ohren.

Das dritte Album der Band „Ancient Death Triumph“ wird am 27.November über FDA Records veröffentlicht.

Checkt den neuen Song Hier

SLAUGHTERDAY is pure fukken authentic nasty Death Metal !

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Soundforge Studio by Jörg Uken / June/July 2020 . Cover art by Adam Burke (Nightjar Art).

LP (Gatefold Cover + free album download)
piss yellow/marbled vinyl (ltd. 100)
cyanide blue/marbled vinyl (ltd. 100)
slaughterday red/marbled vinyl (ltd. 100)
plague black vinyl (ltd. 200)
nirvana clear/marbled vinyl (ltd.100 / excl. NUCLEAR BLAST edition)
*MC (licensed by Raw Skull Recordz)
*CD (Jewelcase version)
*CD (Digipak version ltd.500)
6 Panel Digipak + CD Booklet
*Album Hooded Sweater (available during the pre-sale period ONLY!)
*Album T-Shirt
*Strictly limited bundles, packages & special offers

Track listing:
01. Decarnation
02. Ancient Death Triumph
03. Expulsed From Decay
04. Impenitent Agony
05. Spawn Of The Incubus
06. Apocalyptic Dreams
07. Malformed Assimilation
08. Discarnate Forces
09. Thumb Hang