Die Ägyptischen Deather von Crescent suchen immer noch einen fähigen Drummer als festes Mitglied, also wer sich hier berufen fühlt, oder jemanden kennt....checkt die FB Seite der Band !
We are looking for a drummer to join CRESCENT as a full-time member!
Needless to say you have to be capable of playing our music (which is certainly demanding on drums). Also you have to own the right gear (bass drum triggers, cymbals...etc). Our rehearsals take place in the West of Germany, so if you are anywhere in Europe (BENELUX, France or anywhere in most of Europe) where it is reasonable to travel to the states of Nordrhein-Westfalen or Rheinland-Pfalz, then get in touch with us via inbox or email for more details. Egyptians or Middle Easterners are welcomed as well, but keep in mind that we regularly travel to Europe for shows.