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URKRAFT präsentieren neues Video

- vom 22.09.2019, 13:33
Kategorie: Musik

 Die dänischen Deather URKRAFT präsentieren ein neues Video zum Song "Eternity's Chamber" vom neuen Album "A Scornful Death". Das neue Album wurde von Tue Madson produziert und ist am 18.September über First Force Music erschienen.

URKRAFT explains:
"In 2008 the world came down over our heads in both music and in private relations and after some heavy touring, we shut us inside our rehearsal space (The Red Room) and with help from various good people, managed to build a somewhat studio. And we started recording.

Everything broken and disruptive in our daily lives came out on that recording. It is by far the most aggressive, beautiful and brutal album we´ve made and is musically the extreme outer point of our present collective discography. It is the album where we experimented and in each our own way had a breathing space for being mad at the world outside the rehearsal and simply let loose the demons. The demons surrounding the band and eventually led to a split. Although the split was not based on anyone being mad at each other at all and we did get a few offers from labels that could have helped us continue, we still needed to drop everything on the floor and that was it – hence the album title; "A Scornful Death".