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RED DEATH kündigen neues Album 'Sickness Divine' an

- vom 14.09.2019, 10:10
Kategorie: Musik

 Die Washington DC Crossover Thrasher RED DEATH veröffentlichen ihr neues Album via Century Media Records, “Sickness Divine” erscheint am 29.11.2019.

RED DEATH kommentieren “Sickness Divine”: “ This is the record we all wanted to collectively make and we feel good about what we did. Whatever aspects we liked from our past material have been fine tuned and amplified. Any new ideas we wanted to bring to the table fit perfectly and now has opened the door for future material. We wanted to create something unique for our time. A crossover record but one that fully establishes RED DEATH as just RED DEATH and nothing more. A fine balance between what we’ve done and what we needed to do. We started recording with Arthur Rizk in Philadelphia, PA around late May and finished up early August. We are gearing up to tour Europe with the CRO-MAGS as well as preparing ourselves for 2020 and beyond. We are beyond excited and can not wait to share what we’ve created with everyone! ”

Produziert hat die Scheibe Arthur Rizk (Power Trip, Sacred Reich), das Coverartwork stammt von Timbul Cahoyno (The Black Dahlia Murder, Nocturnus A.D.).

Red Death – “Sickness Divine”:
1. Sickness Divine
2. Face The Pain
3. Sword Without A Sheath
4. The Anvil's Ring
5. Sheep May Unsafely Graze
6. Path Of Discipline
7. (Refuse To Be) Bound By Chains
8. Dreadful Perception
9. Ravage
10. Exhalation Of Decay

RED DEATH line-up:
Chad Troncale – vocals, bass
Ace Mendoza – guitar
Will Wagstaff – guitar
Connor Donegan – drums