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SVARTELDER zeigen neuen Titel und Details vom kommenden Album - vom 16.11.2018, 08:00

Kategorie: Musik

 Die norwegischen Black Metaller SVARTELDER haben ein paar Details zum kommenden Album "Pits" preisgegeben das im Januar 2019 via Dusktone erscheint.

Gründer und Frontmann Doedsadmiral (NORDJEVEL, DOEDSVANGR, ENEPSIGOS) erläutert:
"Despite there being a theme running through the lyrics of its seven tracks, "Pits" is not a concept album. Nor was it ever our intention to make it one. It is an album that explores ones deepest pain and misery. That difficult battle to crawl out of the pit of despair and back to the world, only to find that the world has deteriorated into something lifeless and miserable. So much so, in fact, that you just want to let go and once again fall back into your pit .

"With our previous releases, the debut full-length "Pyres" and the "Askbundet" EP, we felt that SVARTELDER was still finding itself, and with "Pits" we have pushed ourselves even further musically. As an album "Pits" is more, aggressive and more melancholic than its predecessors. In fact, you could say that "Pits" is more of all that makes SVARTELDER what it is".

Um den Fans einen ersten Einblick in "Pits" zu gewähren hat die Band einen Titel daraus online gestellt: SVARTELDER - Part II, new album 2019 track streaming


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