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- vom 02.11.2018, 15:16
Kategorie: Musik

 RECKLESS MANSLAUGHTER haben einen Vertrag mit FDA Records unterzeichnet, beim neuen Label soll im Frühjahr 2019 das neue Album erscheinen.

Die Band kommentiert:
"On their third album RECKLESS MANSLAUGHTER don't bow to any trends again. The beast carves out it's path to the realm of darkness relentlessly and leaves nothing but scorched earth. Expect furious US-Death Metal mixed with British midtempo-groove and crushing Death/Doom. The guys from the Ruhr-area celebrate Death Metal how it has to be – raw, powerful, obscure and merciless."

The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Jörg Uken at his Soundlodge Studio and featuring an amazing artwork by Dan Seagrave.

Chris: Bass
Leimy: Vocals
Pneumator: Drums
Sebi: Guitar
Dennis: Guitar
