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CRIPPLE BASTARDS zeigen Video zu “Passi Nel Vuoto”

- vom 30.10.2018, 09:00
Kategorie: Musik

 Die legendären italienischen Grindcorer CRIPPLE BASTARDS feiern momentan ihr dreissigjähriges Bestehen. Nun hat die Band noch ein Video zur aktuellen Single “Passi Nel Vuoto” veröffentlicht, der Track stammt vom kommenden "La Fine Cresce Da Dentro" Album.

0:00 / 2:08 CRIPPLE BASTARDS - Passi Nel Vuoto (Official Music Video)

CRIPPLE BASTARDS Sänger Giulio The Bastard kommentiert: “The song ‘Passi Nel Vuoto’ (translated to ‘Steps Into The Void’) is a parallel between the annihilation of the individual lost in the most obtuse massification, induced to waste and sedated in his emotions, and the value of life increasingly low – reduced to being a cog in the consumer machine. The graphics of our new album La Fine Cresce Da Dentro are all unreleased pictures taken from the vaults of a crime magazine that existed from the 1950s through the ’90s, accessed from the archives of the criminal police based in Milano, Italy. In making this video we have chosen to alternate similar photos with scenarios of mass stratification and blind conformism. As the lyrics say, ‘What’s left is desolation / but it doesn’t make sense to realize it / it’s the weight of survival: how much you spend / how much you can cost.'”