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- vom 26.10.2018, 09:15
Kategorie: Musik

 Die dänischen Black Metaller BLODARV haben jetzt einen Vertrag mit dem holländischen SOULSELLER RECORDS Label unterzeichnet, das neue Album der Band "The Illuminating Darkness" wird dort 2019 erscheinen.

BLODARV kommentieren:
We have to say that we are really looking forward to working with Soulseller - a cooperation that will greatly benefit both the band and the fans. Soulseller have proven themselves to be a label of some note with a great many quality releases over the years, and we are more than satisfied to be working with them on the upcoming album.

One of the things that was very important to us was that this album should also be released on Vinyl. Not only because many of our fans prefer vinyl over other formats, but also because as soon as we had written the first track, we all felt that vinyl was where it belonged, and, as a consequence, the whole album was created with that particular medium in mind.

Another aspect to signing with Soulseller was the availability issue. Up until now, once we had sold out of our releases at the official BLODARV store in Denmark it has been extremely difficult, not to mention very expensive, for our European fans and followers to get their hands on them. Ordering from Mexico, where our previous label and their distro were situated, meant that fans in Europe were hit with taxes, customs charges and prohibitive postal costs, whilst we ourselves could only stock a very small number, as all our releases had been limited to 1,000 copies. With Soulseller this will all change.

There are, of course, a few more reasons why we are looking forward to this co operation, not least of which are trust, shared visions and goals, dedication, artistic freedom, and the excellent communication we have with Soulseller.

Testet hier einen ersten Song aus dem kommenden Album an: https://blodarv.bandcamp.com/track/a-dark-trail-of-death