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Season of Mist nehmen VLTIMAS unter Vertrag

- vom 23.10.2018, 20:29
Kategorie: Musik

 Season of Mist haben VLTIMAS unter Vertrag genommen. Die extreme Metalformation besteht aus David Vincent (ex-MORBID ANGEL), Rune 'Blasphemer' Eriksen (ex-MAYHEM, AURA NOIR) und Flo Monier (CRYPTOPSY). Die arbeiten am Debütalbum sind abgeschlossen, dieses soll Anfang 2019 via Season of Mist erscheinen.

Rune Blasphemer Eriksen kommentiert: "Feels like aeons ago since I last ventured into these musical shores, but alas, here we are. Its been an intense year and a half with lots of planning, hard work, personal sacrifice and yeah, traveling. I believe I speak for all 3 of us on this matter. Nevertheless, the beast has been summoned and recorded and I am overly confident about the outcome. Having had the opportunity to work with some of the finest of craftsmen in the genre, the level of experience speaks volumes. The mutual understanding, vision and drive, everything as if for a greater purpose. That's how the end result sounds like to me. A special thank you goes out to longtime partner in crime Michael Berberian and Season Of Mist for the immense belief in this entity, as well as my companion Jaime Gomez Arellano over at Orgone Studio (UK) for a job superbly done!

We are VLTIMAS."