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AUÐN / THE GREAT OLD ONES Tour startet im November

- vom 14.06.2018, 07:00
Kategorie: Musik

 Die isländischen Black Metaller AUÐN gehen zusammen mit THE GREAT OLD ONES auf Europa. Die Reise startet im November 2018 in der Schweiz und endet in Frankreich.

Seht hier alle Termine:

02 Nov 18 Winterthur (CH) Gaswerk
03 Nov 18 Munich (DE) Fall of Man
04 Nov 18 Leipzig (DE) Naumann's @Felsenkeller
05 Nov 18 Prague (CZ) Modra Vopice
07 Nov 18 Berlin (DE) Nuke
09 Nov 18 Leeuwarden (NL) Neushoorn
10 Nov 18 Nijmegen (NL) Doornroosje
11 Nov 18 Rotterdam (NL) Baroeg
13 Nov 18 Brussel (BE) Magasin 4
14 Nov 18 London (UK) The Boston Music Room
15 Nov 18 Manchester (UK) Rebellion
16 Nov 18 Glasgow (UK) Audio
17 Nov 18 Nottingham (UK) Angel Microbrewery
18 Nov 18 Oignies (FR) Tyrant Fest

Kommentar von AUÐN: "It is great to finally break the news of our return to the mainland with our friends in The Great Old Ones whom we toured with last December supporting Gaahls Wyrd. Following the success of our previous collaboration it was only a matter of time before the two bands would join forces again, Europe get ready!"

THE GREAT OLD ONES: "It is again with great pleasure that we will take the road to defend our latest album "EOD - A Tale of Dark Legacy". And what better than to travel with the best representative of Icelandic black metal, our friends of AUÐN! Prepare yourself to live intense rituals, and to travel within the dark Lovecraftian mythology. CTHULHU FHTAGN!"