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 ACT OF DEFIANCE um die Metal-Veteranen Chris Broderick (g), Henry Derek (v), Shawn Drover (d) und Matt Bachand (b), werden diese Sommer ihre ersten Shows auf europäischen Boden feiern!

Neben ein paar Headlinershows und Festivalgigs, werden ACT OF DEFIANCE auch diverse Konzerte im Vorprogramm von ARMORED SAINT absolvieren.

Shawn Drover: “Act of Defiance are beyond thrilled to FINALLY get to Europe in support of Sour new record ‘OLD SCARS, NEW WOUNDS’ We look forward to seeing you all at the shows!“

Chris Borderick: “It’s definitely exciting to be touring in the UK and Europe on our new CD ‘Old Scars, New Wounds’! AOD had not played there yet and I know the metal fans are going to be crazy!“

27/07/18 UK – London- Underworld
29/07/18 UK – Glasgow – Cathouse
30/07/18 UK – Newcastle – Think Tank
01/08/18 UK – Chester – Live Rooms
02/08/18 UK – Milton Keynes – The Craufurd Arms
04/08/18 DE – Wacken – Wacken Open Air
06/08/18 DE – Aschaffenburg – Colos-Saal w/ARMORED SAINT
07/08/18 DE – München – Backstage Halle w/ARMORED SAINT
08/08/17 CZ – Josefov – Brutal Assault Festival
10/08/18 NL – Eindhoven – Dynamo w/ARMORED SAINT
12/08/18 UK – Derbyshire – Bloodstock Festival