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DÉPARTE & HEXIS kommen auf Europatour

- vom 18.01.2018, 09:00
Kategorie: Musik

 Um ihr neues Album 'Failure, Subside' zu promoten starten DÉPARTE im April zu einer Europatour, begleitet werden sie von der dänisch-italienischen Black-Core Truppe HEXIS.

12 Apr 18 Oldenburg (DE) Alhambra
13 Apr 18 Darmstadt (DE) Oetinger Villa
14 Apr 18 Esslingen (DE) Into Nothingness
15 Apr 18 Offenburg (DE) Punk! Not Music Fest
16 Apr 18 Bremgarten (CH) Kuzeb
17 Apr 18 Tübingen (DE) Epplehaus
22 Apr 18 Clermont-Ferrand FR (FR) Raymond Bar
23 Apr 18 Toulouse (FR) Les Pavillons Sauvages
24 Apr 18 Barcelona (ES) La Biblio
25 Apr 18 Madrid (ES) Cadillac Solitario
26 Apr 18 Lisboa (PT) Disgraca
27 Apr 18 Barroselas (PT) SWR Metalfest
30 Apr 18 Montpellier (FR) The Black Sheep
01 May 18 Saint Etienne (FR) Thunderbird Lounge
02 May 18 Altkirch (FR) l'Oasis
03 May 18 Bielefeld (DE) Potemkin Bar
04 May 18 Ålborg (DK) 1000 Fryd
05 May 18 Århus (DK) Radar

DÉPARTE kommentieren: "This Spring will see us returning to Europe in support of our debut album, 'Failure, Subside'. This time we will travel with Danish blackened hardcore veterans HEXIS. It has been over 3 years since we last set foot on European soil, and we can't wait to perform in new cities and old."