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 Since 2003 DAWN OF DISEASE have rumbled their way to the top as heavy weights of Germany's Death Metal scene. Hailing from Osnabrück, DAWN OF DISEASE indulge some old school Swedish groove and raspy riffs: Bloodbath and At The Gates provide modern inspiration for aural inclinations of the band. However, their newest production won't enjoy the well-tried manginess of long forgotten Death Metal days: The brand new album titled 'Ascension Gate' goes a different way with enthralling guitar work, enchanting management of melodies and brilliant tone. A hurricane of blastbeat drumming and the gigantic voice of Tomasz Wisniewski spark a fire that forges their spirit.

Now DAWN OF DISEASE unveil first and hotly anticipated details about their upcoming and fourth studio album 'Ascension Gate', which is set to be released on August 11st 2017 with Napalm Records!

Says the band: „'Ascension Gate' was created and given birth within a comparatively short lapse of time. Thus it embodies pure energy and raw intensity. In comparison to our former releases our fourth full-length album is different in many ways as it modifies and expanses the musical elements we used to employ before. Besides the typical Dawn of Disease trademarks you will find more elaborate melodies that carry the listener through an atmospheric journey. Inspired by gloomy autumn days and the sheer endless darkness of winter 'Ascension Gate' adds more depth and catchiness to our sound than ever before without neglecting a huge portion of blastbeating brutality. Regardless of this dark and melancholic leitmotif we can promise you one thing: 'Ascension Gate' will bring you a very hot summer!“

The tracklist of 'Ascension Gate' will read as follows:
01. Passage
02. Perimortal
03. Leprous Thoughts
04. Beneath The Waters
05. Ascension Gate
06. Akephalos
07. Fleshless Journey
08. The Growing Emptiness
09. Lucid
10. Mundus Inversus