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PENTAGRAM: Europatour im Oktober

- vom 06.09.2016, 07:01
Kategorie: Musik

 Pentagram head out across Europe next month in support of the Curious Volume album, with dates as follows.

Oct 01 - Z 7 Pratteln, Switzerland
Oct 02 - Lo Fi Club Milano, Italy
Oct 03 - Init Roma, Italy
Oct 04 - Freak Out Club Bologna, Italy
Oct 05 - Mostovna Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Oct 06 - Vintage Bar Zagreb, Croatia
Oct 08 - Lera Odos Athens, Greece
Oct 09 - The Dome London, United Kingdom
Oct 10 - Voodoo Lounge Dublin Dublin, Ireland
Oct 11 - The Limelight 2 Belfast, Ireland
Oct 12 - Audio Glasgow, United Kingdom
Oct 14 - Sound Control Manchester, United Kingdom
Oct 15 - Trix Antwerpen, Belgium
Nov 11 - Ferienpark Weissenhäuser Strand Bad Staffelstein, Germany
