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 Anfang 2014 soll via Southern Lord Records das Split Release "Terrestrials " der norwegischen Drone/Ambient Band ULVER mit der US Drone-Doom-Band SUNN O))) geben.

Die offizielle Pressmeldung:
» Sunn O)))'s most recent studio album, 2009's Monoliths and Dimensions, and Ulver's 2013 album, Messe I.X-VI.X,found both evolving and longstanding groups venturing into the world of acoustic arrangement and contemporary orchestration. Besides arriving at this seeming parallel in vision, the pair's long standing camaraderie was initiated during Sunn O)))'s 2003's White1 sessions with the track "CutWOODED" which was produced by Ulver, in tribute to deceased film director Ed Wood.
Ulver's decision to emerge from the shadows into live performance, in 2009, unveiled a new facet of showmanship and presentation which took their audiences to an unforeseen level. Sunn O)))'s presence has continuously been felt -- whether in the prospect of their hundreds of legendary live concerts, the reissue of out-of-print albums in devotion to their loyal fanbase, or the recent unveiling of their new website -- and the anticipation of something new was heightened beyond belief recently when the label posted online the words, "Sunn O))) & Ulver 2014".
Yes. At long last they have come together for a more developed collaborative work.
Today, it comes with great pleasure to confirm that these words, Sunn O))) and Ulver, together, represent an astonishing yet somehow totally tenable matrimony of these two earthshakingly powerful forces, coming together like tectonic plates. The result of this union is a three-track recording entitled Terrestrials; a trio of movements which flow like magma beneath the Earth's crust, sonically uninhibited, unpredictably cosmic, haunting and stirring, yet simultaneously ceremonious and beautiful.
Southern Lord shall release Terrestrials in February 2014.Over the course of the next month we shall be revealing the story of how this alliance and recording came to be, revealing the insight of the musicians involved, attempting to answer some of the burning questions which we have, for now, left hanging in the air.«