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Thema: KHNVM, Old School Death Metal aus Deutschland / Bangladesh!< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14747
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 26.10.2021, 20:56  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

 Old School Death Metal aus Deutschland / Bangladesh! KHNVM haben den ersten neuen Song von ihrem kommenden zweiten Album "Portals To Oblivion" veröffentlicht. Das neue Album erscheint am 17.Dezember via Neckbreaker Records.

Checkt den neuen Song "Heretic Ascension" HIER!

Spawned in the vein of death, KHNVM (pronounced as Kha-noom) manifests aural chaos and destruction through offerings created by Showmik Das a.k.a Obliterator (ex-Homicide, Nekrohowl). The debut album "Foretold Monuments Of Flesh", released by Testimony Records in 2019, was the manifesto of demonstrating the inner evils within human mind as ancient art of plague. The line-up for the album consisted of Polish drummer Kryzstof Klingbein and Obliterator on guitars, vocals and bass. Initially started as a project, the mere admiration from the fans for the debut album helped to made a transition to a full-fledged band. In 2020 Cassian (drums,Ex- Tarabas,Otrere) and Martyr (bass, Ex- In Stadio Ultimo, Otrere) joined as members for live rituals and recordings.

With their new album and a bit different song dynamics than on the previous one, KHNVM would like to exhibit the ultimate descend of human mind towards death. Throughout the journey, the demon-like reality grasps human conscious with its torturous claws and the album portrays the eternal conflict between these two supreme forces.

Artwork by Khaos Diktator Design.

1. Ethos Of The Otherly World
2. Portals To Oblivion
3. Heretic Ascension
4. Drink From The Chalice Of Suffering
5. Baptized By The Father Befouled
6. No Solace
7. Spectral Chaos

Bearbeitet von Exorzist an 26.10.2021, 20:57

No Glatz - No Glory
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 Beitrag Nummer: 2
Exorzist Search for posts by this member.
Total Satan

Gruppe: Bangerfront
Beiträge: 14747
Seit: 04.2002

Mitglied Bewertung: 4.64
PostIcon Geschrieben: 01.05.2023, 11:34 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

 Die Death Metaller von KHNVM veröffentlichen am 23.06.2023 ihr neues Mini-Album "Visions of a plague ridden sky" als CD über Neckbreaker Records und als Tape über Bitter Loss Records. Das neue Album wird sieben neue Songs enthalten, die VÖ wird Live auf dem Protzen Open Air gefeiert! Das Cover-Artwork von Mitchell Nolte Art und Illustration zur neuen Scheibe gibt es schon mal vorab zu sehen.

"Visions of a Plague Ridden Sky" is a thought-provoking death metal statement that explores multiple philosophical and spiritual concepts through its lyrics and music. We intend to deliver a message about the human psyche, exploring the darkest corners of the mind and challenge preconceived notions about the world and our place in it.

Track list :
1. Awakening The Inner Alchemy I
2. Visions Of  A Plague Ridden Sky
3. Hourglass Of Decadence I
4. From The Depths Of Duat
5. Grand Evisceration
6. Hourglass Of Decadence II
7. Awakening The Inner Alchemy II
Mixed, mastered and re-amped by Tastemaker Audio

No Glatz - No Glory
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1 Antworten seit 26.10.2021, 20:56 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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