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Thema: Shores of Ladon Kôr Dauþuz - new Releases< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 11.11.2021, 12:01  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Shores of Ladon - Witterung CD & T-Shirt

Eight years have past since SHORES OF LADON's acclaimed debut album "Eindringling". Finally, Sol Records brings to you its successor: "Witterung". In German language the title itself refers to an old-fashioned word for weather as well as to the animalistic sense of smell, especially in hunter's vocabulary. Similarly SoL's music on here sets wolfish passion, invasively detailed guitar work and sharp tension-filled songwriting amidst an endearing autumnly cold Black Metal atmosphere. Together with the equally multi-layered poetic lyrics - filled with emotional chasms, intensive experiences in nature and subtly interwoven motives from literature and folklore - these seven songs, encompassing 48 minutes with no intro, outro or intermezzo, might easily represent SHORES OF LADON at their artistic climax so far.

- CD Edition limited to 500
- 16 page Booklet
- Mastering by Henri Sorvali (Trollhouse Audio)

T-Shirt Fruit of the Loom Heavy Cotton
Limited to 50 copies
S-XXL sizes available
Golden Print

Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JdADCPj6Rg


Shores of Ladon - Heimkehr CD & T-Shirt

SHORES OF LADON's new EP "Heimkehr" ('homecoming') includes four new songs and a cover version, spanning over 26 minutes of duration altogether. The title itself shows yet again the band's subtle sense for ambiguity: While referring to Orpheus' retrieval of Eurydice from the underworld, which forms the core concept of the lyrics herein, as well as to a poetic German word for death, this EP also features old pre-Shores of Ladon songs 'returning home'. Two of them ("Verlust" and "Jagdgrund") originate from a nameless demo tape recorded in 2006 by St. and drummer M. (Cold Earth, Thorybos, Stygian Temple) with the lost lyrics being substituted. Also the title track pre-dates the band's formation and was written by guitarist Nosophoros in 2008, re-arranged for SoL's "Promo 2010" and now taking its final shape with re-arranged lyrics on this EP. Last but not least, and as very personal gaze into the past, "Abstieg" and "Weltenende" illustrate various SHORES OF LADON members' deeply rooted passion for the Neofolk genre. The first is an own rendition and tribute while the latter is a cover version of one of this culture's greatest hymns of the last two decades, "Ragnarok" by mighty Sonne Hagal.

CD Edition, limited to 500 copies
8 Page Booklet
Mastersterd by Henri Sorvali (Trollhouse Audio)

T-Shirt Fruit of the Loom Heavy Cotton
Limited to 50 copies
S-XXL sizes available
Silver Print

Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMLjp4QkjdY


Kôr - The Horns of Ymir CD

Strictly regarded as a sideproject of Sol Records cabals Shores of Ladon, KÔR undeniably bears the signature of St. music-, sound- and atmosphere-wise. Supported by SoL drummer Bavragor and recorded during the sessions of the aforementioned band's second full length "Witterung", it's the English language vocals, the Tolkien-based lyrical concept and various very personal intentions that set "The Horns of Ylmir" apart.
The CD release contains 4 songs (38 minutes), mastered by H. Sovali/Trollhorn, and comes with an 8-page booklet.

CD Edition limited to 500 copies
8 page booklet
Mastersterd by Henri Sorvali (Trollhouse Audio)

Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXSmVg9aZnI


Dauþuz - Vom schwarzen Schmied Tape

Protape Edition
Limited to 150 copies
CD and LP Edition available on 12.11.2021 at Amor Fati

Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg14QfRzoxE



Shores of Ladon & Kôr:

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 Beitrag Nummer: 2
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 26.11.2021, 11:01 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

First reviews for both Shores of Ladon and Kôr releases online at Voices from the Darkside. Also full album streams available at Black Metal Promotion.

Shores of Ladon - Witterung:
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfnSuy7XYaM&t=795s

Shores of Ladon Heimkehr:
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAN2kII9TBM&t=134s

Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhHrIkwqk80
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 Beitrag Nummer: 3
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 30.11.2021, 15:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Shores of Ladon - Witterung T-Shirt 2nd

Due to unexpectedly high demand, we decided to reissue the sold out Shores of Ladon - Witterung T-Shirt. This time with bronze-colored print.
The rest of the design is identical to the first edition.

- Fruit of the Loom Heavy Cotton
- Limited to 50 copies
- Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JdADCPj6Rg&t=1016s


Kôr - The Horns of Ylmir T-Shirt

- Fruit of the Loom Heavy Cotton
- Limited to 50 copies
- Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXSmVg9aZnI

Webshop: https://solrecords.de/order/misc
Bandcamp Label: https://soldeviantrecords.bandcamp.com/
Bandcamp Band: https://shoresofladon.bandcamp.com/
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 Beitrag Nummer: 4
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 07.01.2022, 08:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Regarding the Witterung CDs, I´m are down to the last copies. Here are a few reviews for all three releases:

Shores of Ladon - Witterung & Heimkehr
zwaremetalen (dutch)
metal.it (Italian)
zwaremetalen (dutch)
Seelenfeuer (german)

Kôr - The Horns of Ylmir
zwaremetalen (dutch)
Seelenfeuer (german)
Profile CONTACT 
 Beitrag Nummer: 5
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 06.08.2022, 10:43 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Due the continued high demand, the sold-out CD versions of SHORES OF LADON's "Witterung" and "Heimkehr" will be re-pressed again. These will be available at the Ghosts of Dinmin Festival where Shores of Ladon will be performing live. The records will be identical to the first edition.
Regarding the Shores of Ladon / Kôr vinyl editions, we have received the test pressings which are currently being listened and checked. So you still have to be patient here.

Listen Witterung:

Ghosts of Dinmin 2022:
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 Beitrag Nummer: 6
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 20.09.2022, 15:54 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE



Second Edition, identical to first Press

Order here:
Band: https://shoresofladon.bandcamp.com/
Label: https://soldeviantrecords.bandcamp.com/


* Please notice if you order through the Online-Shop, shipping costs will be calculated individually and you will get an email with the total costs. Please also CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you didn´t received an answer after 24 hours.

Regarding the Shores of Ladon / Kôr vinyl editions, we have confirmed the test pressings and are awaiting the announcement of the dispatch date.
Profile CONTACT 
 Beitrag Nummer: 7
Sol Records Search for posts by this member.

Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 215
Seit: 02.2015

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
PostIcon Geschrieben: 24.03.2023, 17:10 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


Shores of Ladon - Witterung LP

- full colour artwork, regular sleeve, inside out print on 350g cardboard
- incl. 4 pages 12" sized booklet, printed on 350g cardboard
- incl. A3 poster with additional artwork
- 500 copies pressed, all in black vinyl, no special edition

Shores of Ladon - Heimkehr LP

- full colour artwork, regular sleeve, inside out print on 350g cardboard
- incl. double sided insert, printed on 350g cardboard
- incl. A3 poster with cover artwork
- 500 copies pressed, all in black vinyl, no special edition

Kôr - The Horns of Ylmir LP

- full colour artwork, regular sleeve, inside out print on 350g cardboard
- incl. double sided insert, printed on 350g cardboard
- incl. A3 poster with additional artwork
- 300 copies pressed, all in black vinyl, no special edition

order here: https://solrecords.de/order/information

Sounds: https://www.youtube.com/@deviantrecords

Please notice if you order through the Online-Shop, shipping costs will be calculated individually and you will get an email with the total costs. Please also CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you didn´t received an answer after 24 hours.



Shores of Ladon & Kôr:
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