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"Many have tried, many have failed. Mork nails it.” - Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone)
Das dritte Album von Mork huldigt gnadenlos dem Spirit des alten norwegischen Black Metal, Hauptinspiration sind Darkthrone und Burzum. Vorab gibt es schon ein Video zu "I Hornenes Bilde", das Album ‘EREMITTENS DAL’ erscheint am 13.Oktober.
1. Hedningens Spisse Brodder 2. Holdere Av Fortet 3. Forsteinet I Hat 4. Eremittens Dal 5. I Hornenes Bilde 6. Likfølget 7. Et Rike I Nord 8. I Enden Av Tauet 9. Mørkets Alter 10. Gravøl
Die Coverzeichnung stammt von Jannicke Wiese-Hansen, bekannt dürfte er durch seine Arbeiten für frühe Burzum und Satyricon sein.
Auf "Eremittens Dal" gibt es Gastauftritte von Dimmu Borgir's Silenoz und 1349's Seidemann.
"Mork caught my attention a couple of years ago and I was immediately drawn to the atmospheric and reclusive soundscapes, enticed by the desolate and solitary approach - true to the old Norwegian Black Metal ways. It was as if I was thrown back in time. So when I got asked to add vocals on two tracks I didn't hesitate to comply, I just instantly knew I was meant to have a part in it!" - Silenoz (Dimmu Borgir)
"I have seen the future of black metal, and it's name is Mork. Halden Hellfire!..” - Seidemann (1349)
Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002
Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
Geschrieben: 21.02.2021, 19:12
Die norwegischen Black Metaller MORK haben die Single "SVARTMALT" vom 5. Album mit dem Titel "Katedralen" veröffentlicht. Checkt den Song unten an. Acht neue Songs wurden im Likkjelleren Studio für die neue Scheibe aufgenommen. Dabei sind auch als Gastmusiker Nocturno Culto von Darkthrone, Dolk von Kampfar und Eero Pöyry von den Doomstern Skepticism zu hören. Der Franzose David Thiérrée war für das Artwork verantwortlich.
Erikson zur neuen Single: » My new single is here. “ SVARTMALT ”!! This is a rocking black metal track! I’m shutting all the doors, boarding up all the windows and painting it all black! That’s pretty much a direct translation from the song’s Norwegian theme. When Nocturno Culto & I got together in the studio to figure out which of the tracks would fit him best, this one struck hard, it’s a primitive and balls out rocker, we knew this was the one - it had to be “ Svartmalt ”. The world seems to have gone to shit, so why not paint it black on top. Ugh! «
Das Album wird am 5.3.2020 via Peaceville Records veröffentlicht werden. Vorbestellen könnt ihr hier...
Trackliste: 1. Dodsmarsjen [04:57] 2. Svartmalt [04:19] 3. Arv [05:26] 4. Evig Intens Smerte [06:58] 5. Det Siste Gode I Meg [05:11] 6. Fodt Til A Herske [06:33] 7. Lysbaereren [05:10] 8. De Fortapte Sjelers Katedral [09:28]
Die norwegischen Black Metaller von Mork haben eine neues Lyric Video zum Song DEN SVEVENDE FESTNING von der gerade erschienenen Vinyl EP DEN SVEVENDE FESTNING veröffentlicht.
The forthcoming Den Svevende Festning vinyl EP features six tracks and over 32 minutes of raw and atmospheric Norwegian black metal, most notably containing exclusive and unreleased material recorded during the Katedralen album sessions, in the shape of the title track (also the theme for the cover image, an old drawing of Fredriksten Fortress in Eriksen’s home-town of Halden), and ‘Ormtunge’. Side A is completed by the alternate arrangement of the track ‘Født Til Å Herske’, previously only available digitally. Side B contains a selection of live tracks from Mork’s recent shows, featuring a series of tracks from the Katedralen opus.
Thomas Eriksen comments “Seems we got a tradition going by now, with an EP between each album. I can get use to that! I like the format which allows us to do something a bit different and play around with the material, with albums we obviously need to be more strict.
This time I had a couple tracks left over from the Katedralen sessions. The title track "Den Svevende Festning" was always one that I liked and was actually only cut due to the album length. It's fitting having its own EP dedicated to it. "Den Svevende Festning" is a tribute to my hometown of Halden with its majestical Fredriksten Fortress which hovers above the city in the skyline. It's powerful and a good cannonball in the face!"
Tracklist: A.1. Den Svevende Festning [04:47] A.2. Ormtunge [05:43] A.3. Fodt Til A Herske (Med Strykere) [06:30] B.1. Arv (live) [05:54] B.2. Det Siste Gode I Meg (live) [05:14] B.3. Svartmalt (live) [04:19]
Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002
Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
Geschrieben: 16.01.2023, 21:07
Die Norwegischen Black Metaller MORK bringen am 24.03.2023 den Nachfolger des 2021er Albums "Katedralen". Die neue Scheibe wird den Titel "Dypet" tragen und via Peaceville Records veröffentlicht.
Thomas Eriksen: » It is with great pride that I am able to present and experience the release of my sixth full length album. I put every single drop of myself into the process of shaping MORK’s music. Perhaps even more so with this new album. As the album title, which translates to “The Deep”, something from the depths has been brought to the surface, “Dypet” was inspired by my life over the last couple of years, the thoughts, feelings, passion and the evolving of creative free will. Dive in and let yourself sink into the abyss. «
Tracklist: 1. Indre Demoner [6:15] 2. Forfort Av Kulden [5:20] 3. Svik [5:16] 4. Et Kall Fra Dypet [7:31] 5. Hoye Murer (Feat HJELVIK) [6:41] 6. Bortgang [5:49] 7. Avskum [4:44] 8. Tilbake Til Opprinnelsen [6:15]
Die nächsten Live-Termine: 06.04.23 Inferno Metal Festival, Oslo, Norwegen 30.04.23 Walpurgirnacht Festival, Berlin, Deutschland 09.08.23 Brutal Assault, Jaromer, Tschechien
-------------- I will rise up from the chaos I will rise up from the grave A brother to the darkness A master to the slaves
Gruppe: Super Administrators
Beiträge: 10267
Seit: 04.2002
Mitglied Bewertung: 4.83
Geschrieben: 20.02.2023, 20:30
Die Norwegischen Black Metaller MORK haben mit "Bortgang" eine Single und Video vom kommenden Album veröffentlicht. Thomas Eriksen zum Song: » One of my most beautiful poems, to date. Written whilst on a roadtrip in Norway, in a beautiful fjord somewhere in western Norway (ca. 2020). The poem is about passing away and what that might mean to you and the ones left behind. The music was also something I was very pleased with, feeling it was the most beautiful piece of music I’ve written thus far. One day I figured to combine the two, and there you have the song. « Checkt den Song unten an.
Der Nachfolger des 2021er Albums "Katedralen wird den Titel "Dypet" tragen und via Peaceville Records veröffentlicht werden.
Thomas Eriksen: » It is with great pride that I am able to present and experience the release of my sixth full length album. I put every single drop of myself into the process of shaping MORK’s music. Perhaps even more so with this new album. As the album title, which translates to “The Deep”, something from the depths has been brought to the surface, “Dypet” was inspired by my life over the last couple of years, the thoughts, feelings, passion and the evolving of creative free will. Dive in and let yourself sink into the abyss. «
Tracklist: 1. Indre Demoner [6:15] 2. Forfort Av Kulden [5:20] 3. Svik [5:16] 4. Et Kall Fra Dypet [7:31] 5. Hoye Murer (Feat HJELVIK) [6:41] 6. Bortgang [5:49] 7. Avskum [4:44] 8. Tilbake Til Opprinnelsen [6:15]
Die nächsten Live-Termine: 06.04.23 Inferno Metal Festival, Oslo, Norwegen 30.04.23 Walpurgirnacht Festival, Berlin, Deutschland 09.08.23 Brutal Assault, Jaromer, Tschechien
-------------- I will rise up from the chaos I will rise up from the grave A brother to the darkness A master to the slaves
Die Black-Metal-Legenden Mork haben heute ihr neues Album Syv angekündigt, das am 20. September auf Peaceville erscheinen soll. Parallel zu den Neuigkeiten hat die Band die erste Single des Albums „Utbrent“ veröffentlicht.
Speaking about the new single, Mork creator, frontman and mastermind Thomas Eriksen said “Utbrent is a depiction of getting burnt out and the struggle of holding oneself standing. Even whilst silently knowing the day will actually come and break you down…the harsh punishment of living as life breaks you down and burns you out”.
Following on from Thomas Eriksen’s self-titled Udåd project debut earlier this year; a dark release which explored the more underground & murkier-sounding waters of primitive black metal from a by-gone era, Syv emerges as the new pinnacle of Mork’s and Eriksen’s ever-evolving journey, as well as a creative expansion both sonically & compositionally over all prior works.
Syv also undoubtedly represents Mork’s most expressive and diverse works to date, with exquisite melodies interspersed with brutal and even occasionally progressive riffs amid an ever-present air of melancholy. This forms a perfect backdrop for Eriksen’s thematic dive through the contemplations of looming mortality, and digressions through the depths and contrasts of human existence; from the blackness of despair, to the pride & strength in overcoming, as well as absorbing additional inspiration from tales of old.
“We have reached the seventh chapter of the Mork saga. As I have stated earlier, it has been important for me to let the music evolve over the span of albums. It has really been a rewarding couple of years writing and recording “SYV”. When listening back the finished product I felt a great satisfaction. Brutal riffs meeting melancholy and melodic passages with a slight progressive approach. Lyrically scraping the bottom of human existence and frailty as well as touching an immense pride and strength. This is probably my most varied album to date. Which in my mind makes a perfect outcome and addition to the Mork catalogue.” – Thomas Eriksen
Schaut euch das neue Video hier an:
MORK SYV TRACKLIST I Tåkens Virvel [07:14] Holmgang [04:27] Heksebål [05:41] Utbrent [06:15] Med Døden Til Følge [05:49] Ondt Blod [04:05] Tidens Tann [05:55] Til Syvende Og Sist [05:30] Omme [04:17]
Die norwegische Black Metal Legende MORK veröffentlicht ein weiteres Video aus dem kommenden Album Syv. Ein episches und progressives Stück - eine Reise zurück in die alten Zeiten von Verurteilungen, Angst und Hexenverbrennung.
Schaut euch das Video hier an:
When asked about the new single, Mork creator, frontman and mastermind Thomas Eriksen said “A depiction of mankind destroying what they don’t understand. Witch-hunts and witches at the stake burned to a crisp. Probably one of the more progressive songs with spellbinding riffs of witchery. May the spell curse those in doubt to a lifetime of bad luck and misery!”