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Thema: CHAPEL OF DISEASE, ANTIVERSUM, NEKROVAULT+ - 23.3.19/CAT/Ulm, CATacombs Of Metal XXIV< Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >
 Beitrag Nummer: 1
Tyrant2303 Search for posts by this member.


Gruppe: Freunde
Beiträge: 19
Seit: 05.2016

Mitglied Bewertung: Nichts
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PostIcon Geschrieben: 19.01.2019, 21:45   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Am Sa., 23.03.2019 spielen CHAPEL OF DISEASE, ANTIVERSUM, NEKROVAULT und KHAOS im CAT in Ulm.
+ Aftershow-Party

Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Eintritt: AK: 15€ / 13€ (ermäßigt)
Adresse: Prittwitzstraße 36, 89075 Ulm


Starting in 2008 as a band dwelling in the raw death metal sounds from the late 80s, CHAPEL OF DISEASE released their debut “Summoning Black Gods” in 2012. Three years later it would soon become obvious that strictly following a certain genre would eventually lose its attraction to the band. With their 2015 full-length “The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art” the band would find their way of mixing up sounds to create something unique. With “...And As We Have Seen The Storm, We Have Embraced The Eye” CHAPEL OF DISEASE follow that path, yet disregarding any genre specific expectations even more and putting all the effort in simply making diversified, enthralling heavy music.

Creatio e Chao orta est, Chao circumdatur, in Chaos recidet.

... from the deepest vaults to unleash chaos & darkness ...

No human, no chaos!

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0 Antworten seit 19.01.2019, 21:45 < Älteres Thema | Neueres Thema >

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