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no new topic Review: Batushka - Panichida
Black Metal / Polen
ALUCARD 1 1352 29.05.2019, 21:47
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Mork - Det Svarte Juv
Norwegischer Black Metal
ALUCARD 1 1235 21.05.2019, 00:01
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Majestic Mass - Savage Empire of Death
BlackPunkDoom aus Dänemark
ALUCARD 0 1231 30.04.2019, 23:45
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Arckanum – Första Trulen
Black Metal aus Schweden im Demobereich
ALUCARD 0 1216 25.04.2019, 15:25
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Dauþuz - Monvmentvm
Mining Black Metal from Germany
ALUCARD 1 1224 22.04.2019, 21:19
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Whiskey Ritual - Black Metal Ultras
Black`N`Roll aus Italien
ALUCARD 2 1298 20.04.2019, 20:27
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Flykt - Charnel Heart
Black Metal aus Schweden
ALUCARD 2 1340 29.03.2019, 22:42
last post goto marker von: TerminalVelocity
no new topic Ellende - Lebensnehmer
Du wärst eine schöne Leiche
TerminalVelocity 0 1241 29.03.2019, 22:39
last post goto marker von: TerminalVelocity
no new topic Review: Agrypnie - Grenzgänger / Pavor Nocturnus
Black Metal / Ambient aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 1 1410 10.03.2019, 11:21
last post goto marker von: TerminalVelocity
no new topic Review: Chaedrist - Chaotheosis
Lasst Chaos regnen
TerminalVelocity 0 1202 08.03.2019, 20:45
last post goto marker von: TerminalVelocity
no new topic Review: Dim Aura - The Triumphant Age of Death
Black Metal aus Israel
ALUCARD 2 1270 08.03.2019, 15:05
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: King Apathy - Wounds
Schwarzmetallische Melancholie aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 2 1439 28.02.2019, 13:21
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Illum Adora - of Serpentine Forces
Blackened Art aus Koblenz
ALUCARD 1 1338 12.02.2019, 09:30
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Cntmpt - Towards Neglect
Neue Leipziger Messe
ALUCARD 0 1472 27.01.2019, 23:56
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Wan - Gammal är äldst
Swedish Black Metal
ALUCARD 0 1296 30.12.2018, 21:01
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: In Twilight's Embrace - Lawa
Black Metal aus Polen
ALUCARD 1 1242 28.12.2018, 23:38
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic ANGRRSTH - Znikad
Tödlicher Melodic Black Metal
ElWiz 1 1130 11.12.2018, 21:34
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Gnosis - The Offering of Seven
Griechenlandhuldigung aus Florida
ALUCARD 0 1225 05.12.2018, 21:43
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Stilla - Synviljor
Swedish Black Metal
ALUCARD 0 1248 02.12.2018, 23:07
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Avast - Mother Culture
Blackgaze aus Norwegen
ALUCARD 0 1410 22.11.2018, 10:43
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Thron - Abysmal
Blackmetal aus deutschen Landen
ALUCARD 1 1380 17.11.2018, 11:37
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: One Tail, One Head - Worlds Open, Worlds Collide
Blackmetalrohdiamant aus Norwegen
ALUCARD 0 1293 16.11.2018, 22:28
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Burial Hordes -
griechisch, düster, geil!
Nabu 1 1431 23.09.2018, 13:47
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Review: Infernal Execrator - Obsolete Ordinance
BlackDeath aus Singapur
ALUCARD 0 1243 23.09.2018, 13:28
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Orcrist - The Return of Armageddon
True Norwegian Black Metal aus Italien
ALUCARD 0 1291 09.09.2018, 21:45
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
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