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 +++ Zur Gesamtübersicht... der Reviews +++
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no new topic Review: ANCST - Culture of Brutality
Death / Grind / Hardcore aus Deutschland
UnDerTaker 2 482 07.03.2024, 21:25
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: MxAxMxA - Long-awaited Firstborn
grindcore, hardcore punk, crossover from russia
ALUCARD 0 923 16.10.2021, 16:35
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: General Surgery - Lay Down And Be  [EN]
Blutiger Grindcore aus Schweden
UnDerTaker 0 1659 28.06.2021, 22:17
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Kadaverficker - Kaos Nekros Kosmos
Die Ficker übertreffen sich selbst!
Nabu 0 1352 07.08.2020, 18:09
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Snake Tongue - No Escape No Excuse
Punk/Hardcore/Grindcore/D-Beat aus Schweden
ALUCARD 1 1335 12.05.2020, 21:59
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Birdflesh – Extreme Graveyard Tornado
Grindcore aus Schweden
UnDerTaker 1 1456 18.08.2019, 14:01
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Holocausto Canibal - Assintonia Hertziana [EN]
Death/Grind aus Portugal
UnDerTaker 0 1441 14.05.2019, 09:54
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Al Goregrind - The Temple is burning
FFM MehralsGrind
ALUCARD 0 1440 19.04.2019, 15:45
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Cadaveric Incubator - Unburied Morbidity
Frühwerkeschau der finnischen Goregrinder
ALUCARD 0 1501 07.10.2018, 23:39
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Abjured - Absolutist
Waste Town Grind aus Halle/Saale
ALUCARD 0 1772 26.03.2018, 13:01
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Kadaverficker - KFFM 931.8
Die FIcker sind zurück!
Nabu 0 2031 28.01.2018, 14:58
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Last Days of Humanity/Satan`s Revenge on Mankind - Split
ALUCARD 0 1570 21.11.2017, 16:56
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Task Force Beer – Meaning of Life
Grindcore aus Trier
ALUCARD 1 1782 27.07.2017, 10:23
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Parasite - The Depths of Human Nature
Death/Grind/Hardcore aus Oberfranken
ALUCARD 0 1738 07.05.2017, 14:13
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Fubar - Weltschmerz
Grind/Crust aus Holland
ALUCARD 3 2027 18.03.2017, 15:29
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review: Necromorph - Under the Flag
Non-nonsense Grindcore aus Berlin
ALUCARD 0 2414 27.04.2016, 16:17
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
no new topic Review: Cliteater - From Enslavement To Clitoration
Frischer Goregrind aus Holland
Nabu 2 2329 05.02.2016, 14:40
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Kadaverficker - Nekrokore Is Love
Goregrind der Extraklasse
Nabu 0 2026 09.06.2015, 13:21
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic Review: Teethgrinder - Misanthropy
Grindcore aus Holland
ALUCARD 1 2375 31.05.2015, 20:26
last post goto marker von: Steve The Kid
no new topic Bösedeath - Impaled from the Left
Brutal Death Metal / Gore - Grind aus Darmstadt
Exorzist 8 3021 20.01.2015, 14:12
last post goto marker von: Nabu
no new topic EXHALE  -  When Worlds Collide
Jupp 0 1700 19.12.2013, 11:22
last post goto marker von: Jupp
no new topic Review: CLITEATER - Cliteaten Back To Life
Groovy Gore aus Holland
The Lu 999 3 2034 07.03.2013, 18:02
last post goto marker von: UnDerTaker
no new topic Review : Abjured - Life you know..?!
Grindcore aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 1 4307 30.04.2012, 20:31
last post goto marker von: The Lu 999
no new topic Ruins/Kyrest-Split LP
Crust/Neocrust aus Deutschland
ALUCARD 4 4080 31.08.2011, 22:01
last post goto marker von: Exorzist
no new topic Deathrite-s/t LP
Hardcore Crust aus Dresden
ALUCARD 3 4875 21.06.2011, 19:33
last post goto marker von: ALUCARD
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