Forum: Allgemeines rund um die Musik ...
Thema: BARONESS -  Busunfall in England
Eröffnet von: ALUCARD

Beitrag von ALUCARD an 18.08.2012, 11:26
Wie ja schon in den News zu lesen war hat die aus Georgia (USA) stammende Band Baroness am Mittwoch den 15.August einen schweren Busunfall in England gehabt.
Das Quartett hatte in der Nacht zuvor [14. August 2012] noch im "The Fleece" in Bristol gespielt und war unterwegs nach Southampton, als sich der Unfall ereignet hatte. Sieben Unfallopfer wurden ins "Royal United Hospital" in Bath eingeliefert, während zwei weitere, die eingeklemmt gewesen waren und von der Feuerwehr mit Hydraulikscheren hatten gerettet werden müssen, werden im "Frenchay Hospital" in Bristol behandelt.
Gitarrist und Sänger John Baizley hat sich den linken Arm und das linke Bein gebrochen. Drummer Allen Blickle und Bassist Matt Maggioni haben sich einen Wirbel gebrochen. Alle drei müssen in der Klinik bleiben und werden weiter behandelt. Gitarrist und Sänger Pete Adams wurde behandelt und aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen.
Drei der fünf Crewmitglieder wurden ebenfalls behandelt und aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen. Ein Crewmitglied wird noch im Krankenhaus behandelt. Der Fahrer des Busses schwebt weiterhin in Lebensgefahr.

BARONESS hatten ihr neues Album, "Yellow & Green", erst im letzten Monat via Relapse Records veröffentlicht.

Beitrag von ALUCARD an 29.08.2012, 19:21
Die Jungs von BARONESS wurden aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen und werden sich den Rest des Jahres vom schweren Busunfall zu Hause in den USA erholen, daher wurden alle Tour und Konzert Dates abgesagt! John Baizley wurde jetzt aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen. Allen und Matt sind bereits zurück in den USA.
Beitrag von ALUCARD an 25.03.2013, 19:56
Kurzes Update zur momentanen Situation rund um Baroness:

Nothing can truly prepare you for a brush with death. The event is unique one, singular to the observer. Trust me, you don't want to invite the experience. Our bus accident left indelible marks, external and internal, physical and mental, you name it. Each of the nine of us went through and continues to go through an entirely different, yet common experience. We are tied to each other by a trauma, which, despite its damage, has been made individually easier through our shared ordeal. While I would never wish the incident on anyone, I cannot imagine going through that wreck alone.

Thankfully, injury was not dealt out evenly; unfortunately it was dealt in great supply. Each of the nine of us now finds our self in a drastically different circumstance, and we each move forward accordingly. There are two important things to note. First, we are all healthy. We are recovering at different rates, and we'll all be fine in the end. Second, Baroness has made a commitment to pick up where we left off, and get back out on tour, where we belong. In fact, I am personally staking my recovery on this principle; it gives me direction and something to look forward to (finally).

However, for some of us, the accident necessitated a change that would prevent them from performing music or touring. It is with sadness that we must announce that Matt Maggioni and Allen Blickle will not continue touring with Baroness. The details of their departure are not sensational; they do not come with hard feelings. Nor are the details going to be public; suffice it to say we'd like to keep to ourselves the finer points of this situation, to respect the privacy of all involved. While the nine of us must respect the significance of the bus accident in Bath, we must also move away from it and get back to our lives. Simply put, some of the effects and injuries were severe enough to prohibit further activity in Baroness. While we would never have asked them to leave; we have the utmost sympathy for this situation, and in earnest, we wish Matt and Allen the best in the future. In their stead, we have found two musicians who can approach our music with passion and vitality and help get us back out on tour to finish what was seemingly cut short last August.

Till the wheels fall off . . .
John Baizley & Baroness

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