Musik - CRADLE OF FILTH - enthüllen Cover Artwork
 CRADLE OF FILTH, Englands visionärste und höllischste Band, haben das ruhige und verführerische, dennoch schaurige Cover Artwork zum kommenden elften Düsteropus »Hammer Of The Witches« enthüllt.

Der teuflische Bandkopf und Sänger Dani Filth erklärt das provokante Artwork:

“The artwork for »Hammer Of The Witches« was created by Latvian Artist Arthur Berzinsh and is a lavish walk-through of the lyricism, drawing on rich Renaissance themes and displaying them in beautiful yet unsettling scenarios. Half of the detailed pieces are totally original for the release, others are Berzinsh classics cunningly tailored to the themes of the album, which are themes rife with heady witchcraft, be it persecution, retribution or unfettered spiritual liberation. The female form is rampant throughout the artwork, unashamedly displayed in its classical rendition of beauty... and horror.”
Exorzist am 25.04.2015, 10:24